We believe that the early years are vital not only to a child’s physical and intellectual development but also their spiritual development. The teaching and training a child receives helps to build the foundation for the rest of their lives. Hearing the Word of God builds faith (Romans 10:17) and the earlier we begin the better.
The ministry of the Sanctuary Kidz has a goal of teaching and mentoring children in Biblical truths both in word and in action as they grow into teens and young adults. We believe that our children are not the church of the future but the energy of the church today and play an integral part in expanding God’s kingdom in the world around us.
We offer a safe and spiritually nourishing environment for children to grow and develop into the men and women God has called them to be. We want Jesus to be the focal point of their daily lives and future goals. The training does not end at the church door and parents play an important part in a child’s spiritual growth so we seek to provide families with all the necessary tools to help them succeed.